The easiest ways to access your GP health record are:
- using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
- using the GP online system: Systm Online
To access your GP health record online, you must be:
- registered with the surgery
- aged 16 or over
What’s in your GP health record
Your GP health record includes information such as:
- medicines your GP has prescribed
- allergies you have
- vaccinations you have had
- conditions you have been diagnosed with
- notes from appointments at the surgery
- results of tests the surgery has arranged
- letters that hospitals or specialists have sent to your GP
Your GP health record does not include information kept by other services that has not been sent to the surgery. This includes services like hospitals, dentists and opticians. To access this information, you will need to contact the service directly.
You can find out more information about your GP health record on the NHS website.